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Gestamp Foundation and ASTI Foundation launch RuralBOTic, a project to promote robotics and programming in rural environments

More than 200 children between 9 and 12 years old from five schools in the province of Burgos will participate in this project.


Gestamp Foundation, in collaboration with ASTI Foundation, launches RuralBOTic, a project aimed at generating opportunities in the rural environment through the development of technological talent of the new generations.

Five schools in the province of Burgos participate in this initiative in which a total of 202 students and 14 teachers will have the opportunity to learn robotics and programming throughout the course.

Verónica Pascual, president of ASTI Foundation, and Mónica Riberas, CEO of Gestamp Foundation, have signed a collaboration agreement in which they ratify their commitment to continue building the future through technological education. With this project, Asti Foundation and Gestamp Foundation join forces with a common goal: to promote digitalization among children as a transformative tool, and to generate opportunities in the rural environment.

The program begins this November with the delivery of robotic kits to the children and with training for teachers at the centers. During the course the students will work on several projects that they will have to defend in a challenge at the end of the course. In this final event, the participating schools will face a team challenge in which they will demonstrate what they have learned during the course.

As part of the project, students from participating schools will visit the Edscha Burgos production plant of the Gestamp Group, where they will learn about the application of robotics in a factory in the automotive sector.  This experience will allow them to connect theory with practice, seeing the relevance of STEM skills in the industrial field.

In addition, the fact that the project is being carried out in Burgos has a special meaning for the Gestamp Foundation, since the founder of the Gestamp Group, Francisco Riberas Pampliega, was born in Rabé de las Calzadas, the town where the final event of the project will take place.



  • Colegio Público Petra Lafont –Tardajos
  • CEIP Saturnino Calleja – Alfoz De Quintanadueñas
  • Centro Rural Asociado Diego Marin – Peñaranda de Duero
  • CEIP Fuentes Blancas – Burgos
  • CEIP Fray Enrique Flórez – Villadiego


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