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Bootcamp students during their visit to Gestamp Abrera plant.

Fundación Gestamp celebrates the Gestamp Day of ‘I Speak Code’

The ‘I Speak Code’ project concludes and students visit the Gestamp Abrera facilities and the Barcelona R&D Center.


In the framework of the ‘I Speak Code’ project, an intensive programming program organized by the Gestamp Foundation in collaboration with, students between the ages of 8 and 14 had the opportunity to learn first-hand about the operation of a Gestamp plant, seeing the applications of programming in an industrial environment.

Throughout the program, students engaged in different activities to practice fundamental concepts and used Edison robots and Micro boards to apply their programming skills.

After two weeks of learning, during the ‘Gestamp Day’, the students were able to observe how the computer and programming language is applied in the manufacturing processes of various products in the automotive sector. They also had the opportunity to share with their parents and family members the projects carried out during the camp, during a day that also enabled them to contact with industry leaders and aroused the interest of the students.

At Fundación Gestamp we believe that the future of education will be STEAM careers. Therefore, we promote digital education and technological training, providing growth opportunities for new generations.

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